By Todd Savvas
Intuition gets called many different things; gut instinct or feeling, vibes, psychic gifts. But what is it and why do you have it – and do you really have it?
Intuition is your personal built in guidance system. Its mission is to keep you constantly in check with your personal destiny and path. Pretty neat huh?
People often confuse it with their personal cheat sheet, that its purpose is to give them the answer to everything they want to know. It might but it might not. Why is this?
Imagine a person walking down the road, let’s call her Sally. Sally is on her way to meet a friend. Sally arrives at a fork in the road, she could go left or she could go right – she has many options and choices.
Sally decides to take the road to the left. She felt an inner voice tell her left was best. However, Sally encounters terrible traffic. There are roadworks, slow pedestrians, flashing lights – everything and anything that causes delays.
As she makes her way down the road, through the delays and obstacles, she window shops at the stores with their large signs and displays. Some of which are adverting local plays and musicals. She continues on her way – she’s late!
Sally finally makes it to her destination. Her friend was on-time and waiting for her.
Sally was so annoyed that she listened to what she thought was her intuition – if that’s what it was. That voice led her down a more complicated path. She didn’t want that!
Later that week she’s talking with a friend and they discuss seeing a show. Out of all the options available she remembers one particular show’s poster she saw displayed along her route. They purchase tickets and go on their way.
Sally waits for her friend in the lobby before the show, drinking her champagne, waiting for her friend.
Little does she know she’s caught someone’s eye. A stranger approaches. This strange feels called to know who she is! They date. This leads to having a wonderful relationship. All because she listened to her intuition and was led the ‘wrong’ way, which ended up being the ‘right’ way.

Intuition is a long game. It isn’t concerned with giving in to your immediate demands. Especially if those demands avoid you travelling down a path you think isn’t right for you, therefore avoiding the path necessary to get you to rendezvous with something vital to you.
Listen to your inner voice. Let it be your guide and know it will always take you on the journey that’s right for you. Even if the journey seems longer, more complex and confusing at the times, It will be the right one for you – and eventually you’ll see that.