By Linita Masters
Singer Amber Lashae is poised to become the next global musical powerhouse singing with an effervescent swagger, accompanied by a soulful sex appeal. The 26 year old, was born in Greenville, raised in Winston Salem, NC and after college moved to Atlanta, Ga, to pursue her passion.

Her lyrical presence and power grabbed the attention of rapper, DJ, record producer, and actor Reggie Noble aka “Redman”, who rose to fame as an artist for the Def Jam label in the 1990’s. Now, with her first album” Unleashed” under her belt, she’s working on her second album” Thrive” with Redman executive producing. Her new single, an anthem of empowerment and self-confidence, “U Ain’t Ready”, draws you in and brings you home with a sound that is truly her own. This compelling songstress is also working alongside some other mega producers like Eric Sermon, Nick Fury, Rottweiler, Jayceo, Olympics, The Freshmen and more.
I had the chance to speak with Ms. Lashae just after the release of “U Ain’t Ready”:
The Hollywood 360: Tell me a little about you, a little about your music.
Ms. Lashae: During my childhood, I participated in choir. I was always involved musically through school, and when I graduated from college I took a complete leap of faith and moved out to Atlanta to pursue my music full time and I’ve been out here ever since. I’ve been in Atlanta for 6 years now. This is where I met up with Chia Rose, my manager, and we’ve been working about 2 years now. It was through her I met Redman. He heard my music and he was very excited to be able to work with me. He works as my executive producer on the project and is just really dgging deep into it now. I’ve got an Indie tour I’m doing right now. Faith Evans is getting involved with my project as far as writing goes and I’ll be collaborating with her. A lot of good stuff.
The Hollywood 360: How would you describe your music?
Ms. Lashae: I would describe it as world music. I don’t really like to put myself into a category, box or genre of music. I’m like a melting pot when it comes to my music. I’m just all about relaying a message. I like to think of it as real music, where you feel the real vibration of music, the real instruments and actually having something to say versus just kind of playing around.
The Hollywood 360: Do you have a label yet?
Ms. Lashae: I am independent as of right now, we are shopping right now.
The Hollywood 360: What your musical influences growing up?
Ms. Lashae: I was very into soul. I was very much into the divas, like Patty LaBelle, Whitney Houston, Donna Summers and Stacy Latisaw. Michael Jackson was also huge for me, he had a big influence on me and my music. Watching and listening to Michael is where I really learned that you have to really use your gift as a platform to speak to people. Michael Jackson was a genius. He could always deliver a powerful message with every single song. I was into the oldies but I did grow up listening to Christina Aguilera, Pink and Brittney Spears too. I have a wide range of influences. Some days I wanted to belt out really strong like Whitney or Christina, and some days I would want to sing really soft like Stacie Latisaw or Aaliyah. It all depended on the vibe.
The Hollywood 360: What has it been like, working with Redman?
Ms. Lashae: I’m still kinda taken by the fact that I have him backing me and in my corner. It just blows my mind that I am able to directly reach out to him for advice, or for anything. He’s a musical genius when it comes to music and rapping. It’s been so much fun, he’s a very fun guy. It’s definitely been exciting. Even though it’s been a year now I’m still in disbelief that I have that close relationship with him now, through my music.
The Hollywood 360:.Do you write as well?
Ms. Lashae: I do. I have writers that submit material but I also write as well.
The Hollywood 360: What do you like best about writing and performing?
Ms. Lashae: I like it all. Everything goes into my artistry. I always say that there’s no better feeling than being on that stage, and having that energy from the crowd just surge through your body. I’m also lucky that I’m in a position where I can literally just wake up and do what I love to do. I enjoy it all, even the hick-ups, even the down times or the hard stuff that comes along with everything. I’m so happy that I have this big opportunity to do what I love.
The Hollywood 360: When you were growing up, did you get support from your family?
Ms. Lashae: Yes. My family has always been supportive. They always knew I was musically inclined. They made sure I was involved with choir, and in musical organizations around my community. My mother took me to a couple of auditions for The Voice and American Idol. Two years ago they transitioned and moved out here to Atlanta. I had my daughter and they moved down here to help me with her so I could take on my music full time. They actually relocated everything to help me and to support me. They’re at all my shows and my mom is on social media blasting all of my promotions. They are very much team Amber. I have always had that support from my family and it just continues to grow as my journey goes. But, it’s been good, I’ve been really blessed in that sense. There are a lot of people who don’t have that, and when you really don’t have that support it’s harder.
The Hollywood 360: So what are you working on right now?
Ms. Lashae: Right now, we are actually working on my second album, which is “Thrive “The first Album is the “Goddess Unleashed”. I’m working with the producers to get the second album ready, I just started my tour. I’m just working on another video I’m getting ready to shoot, for the record called “Custody”. I’m just really working, I’ve really been in the studio a lot, I have a ton of producers, especially with Red, being executive, he knows a lot of big names in the producer world. So, I’ve been able to work with a lot of producers. I’ve really just been focused on my music and working in the studio.
We have a new video for “You Ain’t Ready” that you can see at, iTunes, Amazon, Google play and can be downloaded. I have another video shoot coming up I hope at the end of this month and I will be releasing that video hopefully by November. We’re pushing for radio play for “U Ain’t Ready”, and it’s being spun on a couple of different internet radio sites. We also have a major station out here, 97.5 where I get to go sit down and have an interview them and they are going to play my record. We’re moving and it’s coming, slowly but surely.
The Hollywood 360: Do you have a favorite song you sing for your daughter?
Ms. Lashae: I’ll say this, she knows every single word to all of my songs. She sings my songs at the top of her lungs. I can tell already that she’s going to be the world’s best singer. She just turned 2 and I love to watch her perform every single word, like she doesn’t miss a word. She is definitely into mommy’s music.
The Hollywood 360: Do you think you might want to try producing one day?
Ms. Lashae: Definitely. I’m trying to grow as an artist. I’m in the studio and I’m watching and being observant. I’m listening and watching the board. I wouldn’t mind being a power house, making all of my own stuff. Being that Red is a musical genius, I am fortunate to be able to watch him at his craft and learn.
The Hollywood 360: How would you describe yourself as a performer?
Ms. Lashae: I feel like artists are complete individuals at their craft. I would say, I do tell people that if Michael Jackson and Sade had a child, I would be that child.
Michal Jackson was so powerful in his delivery of real life messages and then the way Sade was very worldly and very magical in her music. That combination, I guess is, Amber Lashae.
The Hollywood 360: What is the message you’d like to share with your music?
Ms. Lashae: I’m really big on women’s empowerment. My message is to whole heartedly believe in you. Believe in yourself. To not be afraid and be fearless. It’s so important to master being true to yourself as a person. I teach my daughter that. She is 2 going on 35. She has a big bright spirit and a strong personality.
The Hollywood 360: Do you find that it’s still a somewhat of a male dominated profession?
Ms. Lashae: It is. Chia and I were having a conversation, about that not too long ago. It’s a lot harder for women in the industry to be taken seriously. At the end of the day, it’s all about the business. It’s about whether you believe in the music or not. It can be hard, but I believe that you have to be committed and believe in your strength as a woman and in your talent. You don’t have to go against who you are, or your morals, in order to be a huge star. You have to stay true to who you are when dealing with people. I’m really fortunate that my manager Chia is a powerhouse. You know, nothing gets by her. I think women can be underestimated. We’ve definitely run into situations that were clearly going to be a bumpy ride as far as being two beautiful women trying to maneuver through a male dominated industry. But, I’m confident that we’re pretty solid.
Social media: Instagram @iamberlashae,
Twitter @iamberlashae, Facebook Amber Lashae
Video :
“U Ain’t Ready” Video: