Quiero Ser Tu Dueño (I Want To Be Yours) debuted No. 1 on iTunes albums chart.

By: Fredwill Hernandez
In spite of being overlooked in the Best New Artist category [or in any category, that is] by The Latin Recording Academy (Latin GRAMMY’s) who announced the nominees for the 15th Annual Latin Grammy’s on Sept. 24, 2014, [for the first time in history] via LatinGRAMMY.com and twitter, young Regional Mexican heartthrob and social media sensation Luis Coronel, debuts #1 on the Billboard’s Regional Mexican Albums Chart, by selling an impressive 10,055 copies [during the first week – from 8/30 to 9/7] of Quiero Ser Tu Dueño (I Want To Be Yours) his sophomore album.
What set this in motion was Coronel’s personal attention [and interaction] given to all his [predominately young female] fans via social media.
On Tues.- Sept. 30, 2014, Coronel held the first of seven scheduled in-stores at the f.y.e Music in Fullerton, Ca., to meet and greet, take photos with fans, and also autograph copies of Quiero Ser Tu Dueño (I Want To Be Yours) which also debuted No. 1 on iTunes albums chart.
Excitement was in the air as multitudes of young fans lined up for hours holding signs, cards, teddy bears, bags of Cheetos, and flowers, with orange Sony Music wristbands, proof they had purchased a copy of the album, in anticipation of the in-store meet and greet with Coronel. “I had got here at 8 am this morning, and there was already a line of young girls like me waiting for f.y.e [Music] to open so we can purchase a copy of the cd,” stated Ariana Alexa Espinoza, 17, who was also the Instagram contest winner, chosen by Coronel through a 15 second video she up-loaded explaining why she should have a chance to meet and greet the young singer before the start of the in-store. “I became a fan of his in Jan 2014, from then on I started following him 24/7. After he announced I was the winner, I immediately acquired about 600 followers on Instagram.”

Before the scheduled start time of the f.y.e in-store, 650 copies of the cd had already been sold at the Fullerton location. “One of those cd’ s was mine,” stated Yesenia De La Torre, who was the first to be let in once the in-store got under way, who broke down upon meeting the young singer. “I feel, I’m Luis Coronel’s biggest fan.”
F.y.e [Music] that usually closes at 9 pm, stop selling Coronel Cd’s at 9:30 pm, since eager fans kept arriving. The in-store scheduled for three hours (from 6 to 9 pm) had to be extended an extra hour to accommodate his loyal fan base who eventually bought a total of 817 Cd’s.
We caught up with Coronel, to get his take on his sophomore album release, and to find out what has changed since he was discovered through social media. “I feel happy and blessed, and very thankful to God for this day, the official release date of my sophomore album Quiero Ser Tu Dueño (I Want To Be Yours), and also the opportunity to meet [some] for the first time, to personally thank, and express to my loyal fan base, what they mean to me. As for what has changed, that includes my image, the approach to this album, the time we had to record this album, I only had three days to record my first album, this time around everything was different.”

“Even though I only penned three songs on this album, the song I have been working on for my father [who passed] is not included in this album, I anticipate including it on my next album, my father has always inspired and motivated me, and I wake up daily ready and eager to get ahead in order to also take care of my family, a promise I made to my father before he passed, “ added Coronel.
Coronel’s first album titled Con La Frente En Alto (High Up With My Forehead) released on Tues.- Sept. 17, 2013, (via Del Records/Sony) received a Latin Gold Certification [30,000 units] by The Recording Industry Association of America [RIAA] on Feb. 19, 2014, and of countless Regional Mexican albums released in 2013, only five received that feat and only two of the five would go on to be certified platinum, that being Gerardo Ortiz’s (Archivos De Mi Via), and the late Jenni Rivera’s (1969-Siempre).