A new documentary by Jason Willis and Mike Plante, takes us behind the scenes of the legendary punk show by The Cramps and The Mutants at a psychiatric facility in the 1970s—during a critical moment in the future of mental…
HOLLYSHORTS Named An Academy Awards Qualifying Film Festival
The Hollywood 360 wants to congratulate The HollyShorts Film Festival and co-founders Theo Dumont and Daniel Sol for their film festival becoming an official Academy Awards® qualifying festival for the Short Film Awards. Recipients of the HollyShorts Film Festival Best Short…
Fantasy & Reality Collide in FRAMED: THE ADVENTURES OF ZION MAN
ED ASNER (Up, Elf, The Mary Tyler Moore Show) and JAEDEN LIEBERHER (St. Vincent, Midnight Special) star as Walter Kahn in Framed: The Adventures of Zion Man. The short film is inspired by the true story of Walter Kahn, a…