By Harriet Kaplan and Linita Masters ‘Neuriotica’ is a new IFC Comedy Crib series, created by and starring Jenny Jaffe. The series follows Ivy, a small-town dominatrix with OCD. She is struggling to keep her business afloat as the new mega-dungeon threatens her livelihood. And…
Mickey Keating’s Indie Thriller ‘Carnage Park’
IFC Midnight has debuted the trailer for the “pure-pulp thrill ride” Carnage Park, directed by Mickey Keating. The film premiered in the Midnight section at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year, and is described as a “gritty, grisly homage…
Teaser for Indie Film ‘The Land’ Directed by Steven Caple Jr
“You have to do something with your life.” IFC Films has debuted a teaser trailer for The Land. This premiered at Sundance earlier this year. The film is about four Cleveland , Ohio, skateboarding teens named Cisco, Boobie, Junior, and…