by Todd Savvas

We often think about spring time as a time to go deep into our closets and cupboards to clean like never before- well, not since last Spring.

This is meant to be a time to let go of the physical items that no longer have use in our life.

However, this Spring you might find yourself not only donating that old sweater you no longer wear, you might also find yourself confronting and releasing outdated relationships.

I’ve been noticing an interesting phenomenon occurring. And that is the typically downtrodden, not only finding their voice- also finding their power.

You can see this already happening in the world around you. A real sense of tension appearing between those who have taken advantage and those who have been taken advantage of. Although, the interesting shift is that those who are usually meek and mild are now no longer meek or mild.

In Chinese mysticism and Feng-Shui it is said that this year is the year of the Dog. The Dog is a terribly affable creature, loyal, consistent, loving, caring- but, what happens when you continually beat a sweet, loving dog? It eventually turns and shows its teeth.

Let’s bring this message back to you and your life. This theme might be manifesting through the need for you to stand up against those who have taken too much from you, those who have pushed your boundaries too much- or perhaps even destroyed your boundaries all together.

Perhaps you’ve been a person who has unconsciously taken advantage of- or mistreated someone who hasn’t deserved it and you’ve noticed a shift in your relationship. Take this as a heads up!

This year is demanding the unsaid to be said and for the disempowered to reclaim their power.

The most beautiful thing about this type of lesson is that when if confront and release someone who is actively stealing from the joy, hope and positive energy flowing into your life, something wonderful happens.

The Universe sees that you are putting your needs- and your well-being before anyone else. You know what happens next? The Universe replies in-kind by supporting this action and delivering powerful and profound blessings, quickly, directly and without restraint.

Think about this next time you get your boundaries pushed: will you hold back and not say anything because you don’t want to be a bad, uncaring person? Or maybe you’ll take the route of making excuses for poor behavior?

What about making the best decision: choose YOU. And by doing so the Universe will see you standing for you, choosing you and your needs- and guess what will happen? The Universe will do the same.

Todd Savvas is an international spiritual teacher, specializing in bringing ancient wisdom to today’s age. He can be seen on Good Day LA and Young Hollywood. You can connect with him on his social media @toddsavvas or to arrange private sessions with him visit his website http://toddsavvas.com

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