Miss Cactus and The Desert Bring Myriad Colors in ‘Dating School’

To be colorful and capture the best in life you must be who you want and love how you want, says Miss Cactus & the Desert.

The band has released the new video “Dating School,” a no-frills clip that sets the players in colorful light. 

Reflecting their approach to life, “Dating School” is a light but purposeful song set to dancing and intimate conversation set to music.

Do we have to follow the dating rules set out by previous generations? It’s a question each generation has asked throughout the ages.

Miss Cactus & The Desert puts a flavorful spin on the question of love and each individual’s choice on how to love.

We’re saving ourselves for Miss Cactus & the Desert’s upcoming album Oasis expected soon.


Alondra Ramirez Ladd- Vocals

William Candelario- Drums

William Graves- Bass

Evad Campbell- Keyboard

Yanni Giannakopoulos- Guitar

Leonardo Varella- Guitar

Thomas Antonio Debelian

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