Last night at the Awards Gala for the Hollyshorts Film Festival, it was standing room only and the energy was palpable. The biggest winner of the night goes to Jesse Kreitzer’s Black Canaries who won The Best Short Film Award presented by Steve Bellamy from Kodak and also Company 3’s Best Cinematography Award. Kreizter walked away with $25K in prizes which includes $20K from Company 3 and $5K in Kodak’s film stock.

Black Canaries

Other big winners include Company 3’s Grand Jury Award to Lee Whitaker’s Catching Fireflies and Best Director to Rayka Zehtabchi for Madaran, which each took home $20K in prizes from Company 3. Kodak awarded 15 categories $6K making a total of $11K in film stock. See below for the full list of winners from the 12th Annual Hollyshorts Film Festival.

12th Annual Hollyshorts Film Festival Winners

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